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The Temple of the Archangel Raguel


in Service of

The Mystical Order
of the

Initiatic Esoteric Christian Order focused on the study, practice, and advancement of humanity, and the mystical & magickal sciences. 

Seal of The Mystical Order of the Nazarene
Seal of The Mystical Order of the Nazarene
Artistic rendering of spiritual ideals of The MysticalOrder of the Nazarene


We at the Mystical Order of the Nazarene are dedicated to elevating human consciousness and advancing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Inspired by the teachings of Jesus and guided by the wisdom of Mary Magdalene, we offer a transformative system of esoteric techniques designed to help individuals achieve their full potential and improve their lives. As a community of disciples, we strive to heal the ancient rift between magick, religion, and science, and to create an environment of research and development where all members are free to explore their passions and disciplines. Our ultimate goal is to usher in the Age of Jude (Aquarius) and to lift up our brothers and sisters as we work together to bring forth a new era of light and understanding.


Our burning passion at the Mystical Order of the Nazarene is to empower individuals to reach their highest potential and experience a life of unparalleled abundance, love, and freedom. Our vision is to ignite a spiritual revolution that transforms the lives of our members, unlocking their innate power and guiding them toward a path of limitless possibility. Join us on this journey towards a brighter future, where together, we can create a world of joy.

Artistic rendering of spiritual ideals of The MysticalOrder of the Nazarene
The Call To Action 


"When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illuminated faith, and fear into love."

- Manly P. Hall

Our mission is to awaken the divine within and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, we aim to revive the mystical traditions of Christianity and spread their transformative power to the world. We believe that true freedom lies in transcending the constraints imposed by society and embracing the sovereignty of the human soul and mind.  


Through a combination of esoteric techniques, community building, and spiritual growth, we strive to create a movement that uplifts and inspires. We reject the limiting cultural norms that seek to stifle our spiritual ascension and instead focus on refining our talents and building a world that reflects our collective vision. Together, we can cultivate a legacy of light, love, and compassion that will endure for generations to come. Join us on this journey towards realizing your true self and becoming a realized, integrated, and ascended being.

How We Help Communities And Save The World Together

According to a research article written in 2016 human consciousness plays a major role in how much crime a community experiences. What the article outlines is a study that was repeated over several years where groups of individuals meditated together in areas where violent crime was escalating. What they found was nothing short of miraculous. The article states, "[an] estimated trend shift implies a 28.40% total reduction (3,865 murders) for the 2007-2010 intervention period, or 7.10% annually, relative to the pre-intervention trend. For these 206 urban areas, whose pre-intervention murder rates were substantially higher than the national average, the estimated annual decline in the murder rate during 2007-2010 is 2.4 times greater than that for HOM [homicide rate] in the United States as a whole and 1.34 times as great when the percentage changes are compared." According to this study just because a group of a few hundred people meditated in the area of violent crime the violent crime rate dropped by almost 30%! Now imagine if thousands or even millions of people reproduced this but with more focused techniques of transcendental consciousness. We would be on the road to world peace - no exaggeration. This is part of the aim of the Mystical Order of the Nazarene. We want to build not just a national community but an international community of people dedicated to the work of the Order to help raise the consciousness of our individual communities to pursue the dream of global peace and cooperation. 


The techniques learned in this collective of mystics do not just stay with us or under control to be hidden away from our respective communities rather we seek to train individuals to facilitate the proliferation of this knowledge in a safe and viable manner. Those who take on our program will develop their skills of consciousness that they can impart to their communities - a charity even expressed in the Bible (1 THESSALONIANS 5:11). Though our organization takes a Christ-centered approach we welcome all people of every background and religion to join our community... This includes people of all gender identification, sexuality, and race. 


Beyond raising the perspective consciousness of our communities we have the prospect of donating to families and communities in need with the donations and dues we receive from members. With focused attention to truly disparaged people through charitable funds and community service, we know our efforts can make a difference in so many lives. We seek to balance funding with real interactive community service because we understand how busy life can be so those that cannot give with their time have a chance to give through funding and raising consciousness. The human race is a family and as a member of the Order, you will fulfill this sentiment through your work and selfless giving whether that is selfless giving through dues, charitable donation, your time and effort, and/or the raising of global consciousness. 


Together we will bring peace to the world, help others, and save the world from the suppression of higher consciousness. 

What You Will Learn In The Order
  • Yourself

  • Meditation

  • Vocalization Techniques

  • Hebrew (among other alphabets and ciphers)

  • Gematria and Numerology

  • Qabalah

  • Astrology

  • Esoteric Symbology and Knowledge

  • The Real Meaning of Biblical Scripture

  • Effective Method of Prayer

  • Effective Ritual and Spell Work

  • Longevity Techniques and Healthy Living

  • Harnessing Neshamah/Kundalini

  • Better Habits and Techniques for Self Control and Success

  • SO MUCH MORE... 



As a member of the Order you will receive:

  • Official documentation stating your membership status. 

  • Monthly newsletter with a thanking you and informing you of what is going on in the background of the Order..

  • Monthly lectures and group discussions. 

  • Techniques not shown in books.

  • Monthly one-on-one mentorship.

  • Weekly group meditations (Coming Soon)

  • A chance to present research and being published (Coming Soon)

What Members Of The Order Will Recieve 
How the System Works

The Mystical Order of the Nazarene uses techniques such as meditation, contemplation, breathing exercises, Bible study, ritual work such as theurgy, and many others to not only help the individual ascend in consciousness but to learn about yourself, learn about God and your relationship to the Most High, help the initiate create more personal techniques to assist them, traverse higher dimensions, become introduced to your Upper Room, etc. 


The thing is you can't expect to do all of this overnight.  Some have expressed the ability to tap into themselves and the divine after a short time of study and we say more power to'em, but some people want the guidance - which is perfectly okay! Our ancestors were part of a myriad of schools of thought called mystery schools where a body of initiates who have dedicated themselves to preserving, protecting, and perpetuating the mystery teachings of a certain spiritual discipline or across several disciplines.  Members of these schools would ritualistically initiate the newer members onto the path and higher degrees of the Order. As a spiritual community, there are multiple pursuits being taken on by the Order, but the continuity of the mysteries and spiritual truths is at the core of all of these pursuits. 


The initiatic process is meant to help the individual assimilate the energies taken in while learning these kinds of practices in a more controlled and fluid way. A lot of people talk about experiencing extremely unpleasant symptoms during the process of ascension and working through an initiatic process can help one work through it easier or even avoid it altogether. With that said learning about yourself is always harrowing, but it is extremely worth it.


This tradition of initiation is carried on in the Mystical Order of the Nazarene. Not only as a system to ensure the continuity of the teaching but because it is integral to the system's ability to aid in spiritual ascension. This ensures that our "shadow-self" (the side of your personality that contains all the parts of yourself that you don't want to admit to having) is separated, refined, and then reintegrated. The beginning of this process begins from day one of studying the Order's system. Many modern orders have told their initiates to seek out a psychotherapist to help them navigate their interpretations of what rises from this work, and we wholeheartedly agree; if you feel the need for the help of a mental health professional, please do not hesitate, and just in the case of anyone who needs to hear this if you are in a moment of psychological crisis please call 1(800)273-8255 - people care and want to help. 


The Order's grade system begins with Daleth. It is used as an open door to understanding the Order more and other divine knowledge that separates you from the "shadow-self", then that divide is analyzed and introspection ensues. Then a refinement begins in the section called "The Apostles" through an elemental process derived from the work of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. More refinement is still going on in the first "Portal Grade" but the process of reintegration also begins, and for some, the process of reintegration can begin to happen in the grade of 3=9 Imitor. 


As you begin to refine yourself you will notice that you begin to feel less burdened and start to develop new confidence. As this is pushed and tested with the techniques revealed in each grade you will also notice the development of certain abilities of new awareness, psychic sensitivity, and the manifestation of synchronicities (the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection) begin to rise. These abilities which many have called "supernatural" are merely natural. These abilities are just dormant and need specific stimuli to awaken. This is also another reason why the esoteric traditions of Christianity are deemed dangerous by social engineers. These abilities make us more effective in seeing propaganda for what it is, raise our intuition to avoid bad situations and nefarious individuals, ability to sway situations in favor of our pursuits, etc... but even more so many of these social controllers operate black magic that is nullified by the Work of the Order. 


Through a synthesis of programmed prayer, meditation, contemplation, breathing exercises, ritual theurgy, etc the Mystical Order of the Nazarene is charting a path to a future in which a believer and nonbeliever may live in harmony uncontrolled by the World.  

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